Plant Information
- Perennial
- Perennial - erect branched stems, gray-green ovate toothed leaves.
- Small white red-spotted tubular flowers.
- Height 50cm. Hardy.
- Full sun.
- Member of the mint family - not invasive
Culinary Uses
- Infuse leaves for a mint-like tea.
- Rub leaves on meat to release a minty flavor
- Add young leaves and tops to salads and sauces
Parts Used
- Leaves and flower tops
Medicinal Uses. It is said that
- Contain Vitamin C.
- Hot infusion promotes sweating - colds, flue, fever, infectious childhood diseases
- Soothes nervous system, palpitations, pain, insomnia, rheumatism, arthritis, sedative
- Calms stomach cramps, childhood colic, flatulence and diarrhea
- Enema to heal and cleanse lower bowels
- Prevent miscarriage, premature birth, morning sickness
- Externally: hemorrhoids, rub for arthritis/ bath for skin and rinse for scalp irritation
- Calm agitated children, diminish nightmares
Other Uses
- Intoxicating effect on domestic cats - 80% of cats are known to eat the leaves
- Tendency to like/ ignore Nepeta cataria is inherited and some cats are immune to it.
- Dry the leaves and put it in a sachet for cats to use as a toy
- Scent repel rats - put in stables and chicken runs
The information contained within this website is for educational purposes only. This site merely recounts the traditional uses of specific plants as recorded through history. Always seek advice from a medical practitioner.
Mountain Herb Estate, and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants or documentation provided. By use of this site and the information contained herein you agree to hold harmless Mountain Herb Estate, its affiliates and staff
Mountain Herb Estate, and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants or documentation provided. By use of this site and the information contained herein you agree to hold harmless Mountain Herb Estate, its affiliates and staff