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Scientific Name: Solanum melongena 'Turkish Orange'

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Solanum melongena 'Turkish Orange'
Solanum melongena 'Turkish Orange'


  • Annual
  • The Turkish Orange eggplant is a heirloom variety from Turkey.
  • It produces lots of orange-red fruit that resemble tomatoes.
  • Eggplant needs full sun, ample water, rich, fertile and well-drained soil and are not doing good in waterlogged and intensely acidic soils.

Culinary Uses

  • Turkish eggplant has very sweet and flavourful flesh.
  • You can start to use them while still green and the seeds have not yet developed properly.
  • When young they can be used in stews and curries.
  • When they are bright red they are ideal prepared in a hollowed, stuffed and baked dish.
  • Perfect for grilling, frying, stuffing, baking and can be put on veggie pizzas.
  • Use with tomatoes, potatoes and peppers, both sweet and hot.
  • Will pairs well with garlic, peaches, fennel and herbs such as oregano, coriander and parsley.
  • Its “meaty” texture makes eggplant a staple in vegetarian diets.

Parts Used

  • Turkish eggplant has a short shelf life and should be used within two to three days.
  • For best flavour and texture store them in a cool dry place until ready to use.

Medicinal Uses. It is said that

  • Turkish Orange eggplant is a rich source of lycopene, a naturally occurring pigment that doubles as an antioxidant.
  • The Lycopene is contained within the eggplant's skin and develops once the fruit ripens.
  • Lycopene has anti-cancer benefits such as preventing, fighting and repairing cell damage.
  • High in bioflavonoids that help also fight cancer.
  • Low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol and high in dietary fibre.
  • One of the best foods for weight lost - it supplies only 25 calories per serving.
  • Contains folate, potassium, manganese, Vitamins C and K, Thiamin, Niacin, B-6, Panthothenic Acid, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper.
  • Raw eggplant can be applied topically for scorpion bites and a compress made of infused eggplant can be applied for frostbite.
The information contained within this website is for educational purposes only. This site merely recounts the traditional uses of specific plants as recorded through history. Always seek advice from a medical practitioner.

Mountain Herb Estate, and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants or documentation provided. By use of this site and the information contained herein you agree to hold harmless Mountain Herb Estate, its affiliates and staff
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